#36. What happened on cloud last week

Anton Klimenko
3 min readOct 29, 2018
Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash


  1. Regions news
  • AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory and AD Connector are now available in the AWS GovCloud (US) region [1].

2. Amazon EC2 now offers On-Demand capacity reservations [2]

3. Bring Your Own IP for Amazon Virtual Private Cloud is now generally available [3]

4. Amazon EKS now supports additional VPC CIDR blocks [4]

5. Amazon EFS now supports AWS VPN and inter-region VPC peering [5]

6. Amazon RDS news

  • PostgreSQL 11 is now available in Amazon RDS database preview environment [6].
  • Amazon RDS now supports MariaDB 10.3 and MySQL 8.0 [7, 8].

7. Amazon ElastiCache now supports the next generation General-Purpose and Memory-Optimized Amazon EC2 M5 and R5 nodes [9]

8. Amazon Translate achieved HIPAA eligibility [10]

MS Azure

  1. Azure Availability Zones expand with new services and to new regions [11]

North Europe and West US 2 regions have been added to Azure Availability Zones. In addition to the expansion of Availability Zones across Azure regions, the list of zone-redundant services was also expanded including Azure SQL Database, Service Bus, Event Hubs, Application Gateway, VPN Gateway, and ExpressRoute.

Google Cloud Platform

  1. New features rolled in Cloud Storage to improve security and privacy [12]

The features include:

  • Cloud Storage Bucket Lock is now generally available.
  • Cloud KMS integration with Cloud Storage.
  • Access Transparency for Cloud Storage and Persistent Disk.

2. Private DNS Zones introduced [13]

Private DNS Zones allow performing internal DNS resolution for the private GCP networks. This means users can now:

  • Create private DNS zones to provide DNS name resolution to your private network resources (VMs, load balancers, etc).
  • Connect a private zone to a single network or multiple networks, giving you flexibility when designing your internal network architectures.
  • Create split-horizon DNS architectures where identical or overlapping zones can coexist between public and private zones in Cloud DNS, or across different GCP networks.
  • Utilize IAM-based, DNS-specific roles to delegate administrative or editor access to manage or view managed private zones.

3. Announced Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) secrets engine for HashiCorp Vault [14]


  1. AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory and AD Connector are now available in the AWS GovCloud (US) region.
  2. Amazon EC2 now offers On-Demand capacity reservations.
  3. Announcing the general availability of Bring Your Own IP for Amazon Virtual Private Cloud.
  4. Amazon EKS now supports additional VPC CIDR blocks.
  5. Amazon EFS now supports AWS VPN and inter-region VPC peering.
  6. PostgreSQL 11 is now available in Amazon RDS database preview environment.
  7. Amazon RDS now supports MariaDB 10.3.
  8. Amazon RDS now supports MySQL 8.0.
  9. Amazon ElastiCache now supports the next generation General-Purpose and Memory-Optimized Amazon EC2 M5 and R5 nodes.
  10. Amazon Translate achieves HIPAA eligibility.
  11. Azure Availability Zones expand with new services and to new regions.
  12. Protecting Cloud Storage with WORM, key management and more updates.
  13. Introducing Private DNS Zones: resolve to keep internal networks concealed.
  14. Introducing the Cloud KMS plugin for HashiCorp Vault.

